Developing and establishing leaders for their kingdom assignments.

What is leadership re-up?

Leadership Re-Up is a Program offered through PrayerHub International, Inc. and designed to Train and Equip leaders for their Kingdom mandate. Leadership Re-up is for Individuals and Churches who are looking to Grow in, Plant, and establish ministry whether you’re in the Marketplace or in the four walls of the church.



    Develop you as a Leader

    Personal Development

    Biblical Principals and Instruction

    Material and courses that you can apply in every aspect of your life.


    A Teacher Teaches But A Mentor Guides your Life!

    Receive 1 on 1 Meetings 2x monthly



    Personal Development

    Leadership Development

    Instruction and Insight

    Church Planting

    Business Launch

  • GROW IT.

    Five-Fold Ministry Training

    Marketplace Ministry Training

    Church Leadership Training

Church Leadership Training

Our leadership Re-Up Program offers ministries and churches alike courses and training that will develop, grow and equip your leadership. Our programs are tailored to the needs of your church or ministry making it easier to push the vision God has given you for your ministry.

Individual Ministry training

IMT Program offers Individuals called to ministry in the four walls and Marketplace Ministry alike, courses and training that will develop, grow and equip them for where God has placed them and where God wants to take them. We have training courses that start with 6 & 12-week programs as well as 1-2 year licensure Programs. All programs come with certifications. We also offer covering through Prayer Hub International if needed.

ministry branding

Your complete Branding needs for your Ministry, church, and Business.

Business startup logistics

Business startup logistics involves all the essential steps and processes needed to establish and run a successful business. This includes Non-Profits.

Business Branding & Marketing

Business branding and marketing encompass a wide range of activities designed to create a unique identity for your business and promote it to your target audience. This includes Non-Profits.


Kingdom Model Mentorship is a comprehensive program designed to mentor businesses, individuals, and groups, with a strong focus on accountability, discipleship, and equipping emerging leaders in both ministry and the marketplace. Our program offers a safe, supportive environment for leaders who are currently in ministry, aspiring to enter the ministry, or re-emerging into it.

Ministry startup logistics

Learn the fundamentals, legalities, and what it takes to be successful in the operations of a Church or ministry. How to start your ministry, What is needed, How to maintain, and how to grow it.

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